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System Requirements

You will need a Linux VM / VPS with the following specs:

Name Minimum Recommended
OS Ubuntu 22.04 / Debian 11 Ubuntu 22.04 / Debian 11
Disk 20 GB 50 GB
Custom Domain Required Required

Recommendations for VPS

I can recommend the following providers:

Cloning the Repo


Make sure that you have your VM / VPS IP, SSH user and SSH password before continuing

  • Press the Windows key on the keyboard and type cmd and press enter to open up the terminal
  • SSH into the machine by replacing <username> with your SSH user and <ip> with your VM / VPS IP below and then run the command on your terminal

ssh <username>@<ip>
* Switch to the root user by running the following command in the same terminal (you may be asked to type your SSH password, so do that)
sudo su -

Note: If you're using Debian then use su -

  • Now install git by running the following commands

apt update
apt install git -y
* Clone the fivem-loki-logging repo
git clone
cd fivem-loki-logging

Editing config.yaml

Now you need to make changes to the config.yaml file located in the repository. The default configuration file looks like this:

baseDomain: ""
email: # Only used if baseDomain is not ""
  version: v1.26.3+k3s1
  version: v1.11.1 # Do not modify
  version: 5.0.0 # Do not modify
  storage: 5Gi
  username: admin
  password: supersecurepassword
  exposedPort: 30001 # Only used if baseDomain is ""
  retention: 744h # 24 * 31 (1 Month)
  version: 6.52.9 # Do not modify
  username: admin
  password: verysecurepassword
  exposedPort: 30000 # Only used if baseDomain is ""

Here’s a reference to the required variables and what they’re used for:

Key Description Default
baseDomain This will be the domain that will be used for accessing Loki and Grafana. The resulting URLs will look like so: grafana.<baseDomain>, loki.<baseDomain>. If you do not set this then your VM / VPS IP will be used instead of the domain and no SSL configuration will be done ""
email You need to set this to a valid email IF you have set the basedDomain. It is used while provisioning SSL certificates How much storage do you want to allocate to Loki for storing the logs. Make sure it is less than the total disk size and you leave atleast 10GB for the Operating System 5Gi
loki.username Username for the Loki instance used for pushing the logs admin
loki.password Password for the Loki instance used for pushing the logs supersecurepassword
loki.retention Retention period of the logs stored in Loki. By default its set to keep logs of the past 31 days (1 month) 744h
grafana.username Username for the Grafana instance used for logging in and viewing the logs admin
grafana.password Password for the Grafana instance used for logging in and viewing the logs verysecurepassword

You can open up config.yaml in a terminal text editor like nano using the following command:

nano config.yaml
  • If you own a domain and want to use the domain and have SSL configured, then set baseDomain with your domain name (can also be a sub-domain)
  • Set based on how much storage you want to allocate to Loki
  • Set loki.username and loki.password to match your preferences
  • Set loki.retention to the number of hours you want to store the logs for. Old logs get removed automatically when they’re older than the retention period
  • Set grafana.username and grafana.password to match your preferences

After making the changes, save the file by pressing Ctrl + X then Y and then Enter. Doing this properly will throw you back at the terminal. Confirm that the config has been updated by running

cat config.yaml

If it looks good then proceed to the next step

Configure DNS Records (Only if you have set baseDomain to your domain name)

Skip this step if you do not own a domain or have not modified baseDomain key in the config

  • Login to your domain provider and create 2 DNS records. Lets assume you have set as your baseDomain and your VM / VPS IP is, your DNS records should look like the following:
Name Record Type Value TTL
grafana A 3600
loki A 3600


Make sure that you replace with your VM / VPS IP, otherwise it will not work!!

Running the installer

Once your DNS entries are in place if you have set baseDomain or left it as default, you can proceed.

Run the following command to start the installation process:


Patiently wait for it to finish as it will take some time to complete. Once finished, you should see something like this:


You will also be presented with the ox_lib config that you can use in the next step. Make sure to take note of that.

You now have both Loki and Grafana running. You can open up the Grafana URL and login using the credentials to see if it works.

The installer automatically configures Loki as the default Datasource so you don’t need to do anything in Grafana except for looking at the logs

Next steps