Disabling Components / Props

You can disable any Component / Prop using shared/config.lua if you have some clothing as items.

  • For example if you want to disable Masks then you can change Masks value to true under Config.DisableComponents. It should look like this:
Config.DisableComponents = {
    Masks = true,
    UpperBody = false,
    LowerBody = false,
    Bags = false,
    Shoes = false,
    ScarfAndChains = false,
    BodyArmor = false,
    Shirts = false,
    Decals = false,
    Jackets = false
  • For example if you want to disable Watches then you can change Watches to true under Component.DisableProps. It should look like this:
Config.DisableProps = {
    Hats = false,
    Glasses = false,
    Ear = false,
    Watches = true,
    Bracelets = false